Normunds Dregis

Normunds Dregis

Born in 1969 in Riga (Latvia), Normunds Dregis is the artistic director and the conductor of Jāzeps Medinš Riga 1st Music School chamber orchestra Armonico, Latvia. He is also a chief conductor and the artistic leader of the Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Celebration joint symphony orchestras (since 2015).

Normunds Dregis is a conductor and leader of many workshops with international youth orchestras in Latvia, Estonia and France. He has given concerts in Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy and England. Normunds Dregis is founder and president of Latvian Orchestras Association (2012), an alderman of Riga Latvian Society (since 2011).

Conductor collaborated with the Latvian National Opera and Ballet, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Liepaja Symphony Orchestra (Latvia), the New Rhine Chamber Orchestra (Cologne, Germany), South-Westphalen Philharmonie Orchestra (Germany), Emils Darzinš Music High School Symphony Orchestra (Riga, Latvia) and early music ensemble Ludus (Riga, Latvia).

Normunds Dregis conducted many recordings and his creative work has been awarded with the paper of honour by the Latvian Minisrty of Culture (2015), Ministry of Science and Education (2015), Riga City Council (2015, 2007).

Conductor's repertoire includes more than 20 operas, ballets and operettas, some of which are W.A.Mozart Don Giovanni, Cosi fan tutte, The Magic Flute, Bastien and Bastienne, G.Rossini Il barbiere of Seviglia, R.Wagner The Flying Dutchman, Das Rheingold, G.Bizet Carmen, P.Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin, E.Kalman Silva/Csardasfurstin, Joh.Strauss ballet The Blue Danube, L.Delibes ballet Coppelia, B.Asafjev ballet Fountain of Bakhchisaray, Oleg Hodosko Cinderella, J.Lūsēns The Birds’ Opera, Z.Liepiņš opera Of rose and blood, J.Nīmanis Lysistrata, K.Ewald The return of Lysistrata.

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